
Thisrecorddescribesthelongesttimeforwhichacircleofdominoeswaskepttopplingcontinuously.Duringthepreparationsforthe“DominoDay2008”,60 ...,DominoDayhostedin2008inLeeuwarden.BeautyqueenSalimaPeippotopplesthefirststone.Intheend,4,345,027of4,500,000(thesameastheyearbefore) ...,DominoDayisaworldrecordattemptforthehighestnumberoftopplingdominostones,organizedfrom1998to2009byEndemolNetherlands.,DominoD...

All Domino World Records

This record describes the longest time for which a circle of dominoes was kept toppling continuously. During the preparations for the “Domino Day 2008”, 60 ...

Celebrating 10 years of Domino Day

Domino Day hosted in 2008 in Leeuwarden. Beauty queen Salima Peippo topples the first stone. In the end, 4,345,027 of 4,500,000 (the same as the year before) ...

Domino Day

Domino Day is a world record attempt for the highest number of toppling domino stones, organized from 1998 to 2009 by Endemol Netherlands.

Domino Day - Domino building Wiki

Domino Day was the yearly attempt at breaking the world record for mos dominoes toppled by a group. In fact, they set this record 10/11 times!

Domino Day | Domino Toppling Wiki

Domino Day 2008. On 14 November 2008 the team of Weijers Domino Productions tried to break the world record domino toppling. They set up 4.5 million dominoes in ...